UHV Library Cards

The Paw Pass that students receive upon registration also serves as your library card. To check out items from the library or use the computers, you will need to stop at the Service Desk on the 2nd floor of University Commons and activate your card.
If you did not receive a Paw Pass, you can get one at Jag Hall or at the Library Services desk. The Paw Pass is issued to all UHV first year students, sophomores living in campus housing, and students who request them in person at Jag Hall in Victoria. The Paw Pass issued by the library has ONLY library privileges until you activate any other services with Resident Life. 
For a replacement Paw Pass or any questions regarding other functions of the card, please contact Resident Life. Replacement cards are $10.
Questions regarding library cards should be addressed to Greg Garcia, Circulation Supervisor.

Victoria College Library Cards

If you have not yet been issued a Victoria College student ID, the UHV Library can issue you a library card. VC students are encouraged to get their student IDs before coming to University Commons, but either way we got you covered.
Library cards will be issued to enrolled students under the following guidelines:
  • Your name must appear on enrollment rosters provided to the library by the registrar. If your name is not on the roster, you must have a valid fee statement to verify current enrollment. VC rosters are not available to us until after the 12th class day.
  • Please have your Texas Driver's License with you to verify your address.
  • Replacement fee is $3.00.

UH System Students

Students at other UH system campuses who come to Victoria in person may use our library services and check out items. 
Library cards will be issued to enrolled students under the following guidelines:
  • Present a current student ID from your home campus
  • We will make a non-student library card for you and you will be extended those borrowing privileges

Texshare Card

TexShare is a cooperative program designed to improve service to Texans. Members include academic libraries, public libraries that belong to regional systems, and libraries of clinical medicine. TexShare enables libraries to offer a broader range of materials and services than any single library can provide for its constituents. Through the TexShare program, libraries provide services to all Texans, even those living outside their service areas.
If you would like to use a public library outside of your home area or another college or university library, you may do so by first obtaining a TexShare card from us.
  • Texshare card allow our students and faculty to use most other college libraries in the state, with restrictions. A list of participating libraries and their rules are available from the TexShare website. Most libraries require both a Texshare card and a government issued ID. Other UH System libraries offer borrowing privileges with a government issued ID card along with either a Texshare card OR a current UHV ID.
  • You must be a currently enrolled student with no blocks on your record to obtain a TexShare card. The card will expire at the end of each semester and you must reapply to continue using the service.

TexShare card may be obtained from Greg Garcia in the library or by completing the TexShare online request form and having the card mailed to you.