FY 2019

The Library was closed from May 25 to August 25, 2019 for the move to the University Commons.  


Type Physical Electronic
Books, periodical backfiles, government documents, & other materials (titles) 95,650 109,355
Media - audiobooks, DVD, CD, microform (titles) 4,237 63,575
Full text journals (titles online via aggregated databases & open source publishers) 186 146,152
Electronic resources (research & video database subscriptions) n/a 169
Archives, manuscripts (linear feet)  *collections currently in storage.  Accurate count is unavailable at this time

*Based on IPEDS reporting criteria

Access Services
Check out of physical materials 15,127
In-house use of physical materials 3,621
E-book use (titles used) 3,852
Video playbacks (streaming video) 6,730
Journal article downloads 165,574
Interlibrary Loan - Items borrowed 2,241
Interlibrary Loan - Items loaned 642

library.uhv.edu page views *

vrhc.uhv.edu page views 50,613
LibGuides page views 90,293
Course Reserve page views 9,748
Digital collections page views (ContentDM) 12,566

*Over the course of FY19, the website was migrated to SpringShare LibGuides CMS, making usage shift.

Research Services
Reference-email, chat, visits 4,614
Instruction sessions 85
Computers & Study Rooms
Study rooms / auditorium uses 3,247
Public computer logins 10,171
Staff (FTE)
Librarians 10.16
Library Assistants / Support Staff 14.5
Student Assistants 3