Type | Physical | Electronic |
Books, periodical backfiles, government documents, & other materials | 118,807 | 400,119* |
Media - audiobooks, DVD, CD, microform | 12,546 | 61,561* |
Full text journals (titles online via aggregated databases & open source publishers) | 67,779 | |
Serial Subscriptions (print & electronic) | 56 | 201 |
Electronic resources (research & video database subscriptions) | n/a | 157 |
Archives, manuscripts (linear feet) | 1,540.48 | n/a |
*Statistics on the holdings of some electronic titles are derived from EBSCO Full Text Finder, a web-based tool for organizing and providing links to library electronic resources. Full Text Finder was implemented in the summer of FY2016
Services | FY2015 | FY2016 |
Check out of physical materials (books & audiovisuals) | 18,998 | 14,264 |
In-house use of physical materials | 7,625 | 5,418 |
Gate count | 201,304 | 213,749 |
Instructional presentations | 100 | 119 |
Use of study rooms / auditorium (sessions) | 3,239 | 3,334 |
Use of public computers (sessions) | 25,914 | 33,981 |
Interlibrary loan-Items borrowed | 1,183 | 1,579 |
Most Popular Databases
- Academic Search Complete
- Business Source Complete
- CINAHL Complete
- Science Direct
- Education Source
- MasterFile Premier
- PsycArticles
- Literary Reference Center
- Medline with Full Text