Federal Reserve
- Federal Reserve SystemBoard of Governors of the Federal Reserve System website provides general information, press releases, testimony and speeches, monetary policy, research and data, community affairs, and other information related to the central bank of the United States.
- FRB Beige BookSummary from each Federal Reserve Bank District. Gathered are anecdotal information on current economic conditions in each district through reports from bank and branch directors and interviews with key business people and economists, as well as market reports and other sources.
- FRASERThe Federal Reserve Archival System for Economic Research is a web site with the "mission to provide economic information and data to researchers." It provides issues of Economic Indicators back back to 1948, bank statistics from 1896 to 1955, and an alphabetical list of 43 other collections.
- World Trade OrganizationThe WTO provides a forum for negotiating agreements aimed at reducing obstacles to international trade and ensuring a level playing field for all, thus contributing to economic growth and development. The WTO also provides a legal and institutional framework for the implementation and monitoring of these agreements, as well as for settling disputes arising from their interpretation and application.
Web sites
- Academy of ManagementAcademy of Management (the Academy; AOM) is a leading professional association for scholars dedicated to creating and disseminating knowledge about management and organizations.
- Bloomberg.comWebsite providing access to publicly available news, financial news, and industry reports.
- Business WireLeading source for full-text breaking news releases, multimedia and regulatory filings for companies and groups throughout the world.
- Economic CensusEvery five years, the U.S. Census Bureau collects extensive statistics about businesses that are essential to understanding the American economy. This official count, better known as the Economic Census, serves as the foundation for the measurement of U.S. businesses and their economic impact. As part of the Census Bureau’s mission to provide timely information on the health of the U.S. economy, this “business” census serves as the most extensive collection of data related to business activity.
- Edgar OnlineAll companies, foreign and domestic, are required to file registration statements, periodic reports, and other forms electronically through EDGAR. Anyone can access and download this information for free. Here you'll find links to a complete list of filings available through EDGAR.
- Global EdgeHome of Michigan State University's Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER). Comprehensive starting point for global research. Meta-site with access to international business and trade information, economic trends and an index to information resources.
- HR GuideExtensive list of well-organized links to internet based resources for HR professionals and students.
- Inc.com"Small business resources and small business information for the entrepreneur." This site has news, blogs, podcasts, conference notices, and a search for privately held companies
- International Monetary FundIMF's website offers the texts of all their complementary publications, as well as news releases, country publications, fund rates, standards and codes and a "what's new" column.
- Know This Virtual LibraryVirtual library of web resources for advertising, selling, promotion, research, and electronic commerce in concise information areas for easy browsing. Information areas are concise and provide value-added information and carefully selected links.
- Knowledge @ WhartonThis is the Wharton School's online journal. The site offers "free online access to current business trends" and "articles based on the most recent business research."
- MarketWatchPublished by Dow Jones & Co., website for publicly available information in business news, finance, investments. and commentary.
- Public Register's Annual Report ServiceAmerica's largest annual report service provides, free of charge company financials, including annual reports, prospectuses or 10-Ks on over 3,600 public companies.
- Resources for EconomistsLists more than 900 resources on the Internet to those interested in economics from the American Economic Association.
- SEC Filings & FormsProvides 10-K, 20-F, proxy statements, some annual reports, and other financial statements of public companies filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
- Wachowicz's Web World: Web Sites for Discerning Finance StudentsThis site provides many finance links to correlate with the major topic headings in Fundamentals of Financial Management by James Van Horne and John Wachowicz. Included with the site are multiple choice, true and false and interactive quizzes.
- World Bank Data & StatisticsTime series statistics on national accounts, international transactions, manufacturing, andmonetary indicators are provided for World Bank member countries
- World Bank - Doing BusinessThe Doing Business project provides objective measures of business regulations for local firms in 189 economies and selected cities at the subnational level. Doing Business encourages countries to compete towards more efficient regulation; offers measurable benchmarks for reform; and serves as a resource for academics, journalists, private sector researchers and others interested in the business climate of each country.
- YourEconomy.orgA business census containing more than 24 million active establishments providing detailed information about the performance of businesses from a local to a national perspective.
- YourEconomy.orgA business census containing more than 24 million active establishments providing detailed information about the performance of businesses from a local to a national perspective.
World Fact Book
- World FactbookThe U.S. government's complete geographical handbook, featuring full-color maps and flags of all nations. Each country profile tracks such demographics as population, ethnicity and literacy rates, as well as political, geographical and economic data. Provided by the CIA
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