Company Information
These are the best databases for company information. Some provide history and financials, others give market share, SWOT analysis, and still others provide newspaper and magazine articles. Although there may be some duplication of information between databases, each database may provide information in a way the others do not. Check the information icons for tips.
- Mergent Market Atlas This link opens in a new windowMergent Market Atlas offers powerful and intuitive search capabilities combined with an easy to learn and use interface providing access to a multitude of company, industry, country, index, ESG and economic data displays and reports. Mergent
- D&B Hoovers This link opens in a new windowD&B Hoovers delivers insightful information on more than 162 million businesses, both public and private, around the world; including the UK, Europe, Asia Pacific and emerging markets.
Search by Company Name, Executives, Industry or by using Conceptual Search and Business Signals.
Business data includes Annual Revenues, Employee Counts, Corporate Family Tree, Key Contacts, Analyst Reports, SWOT reports, stock data, financials and other vital information. Dun & Bradstreet - Business Source Complete This link opens in a new window
Indexes over 10,000 scholarly business journals and other sources, full text for over 9,500 titles, including over 1,000 peer-reviewed business journals. Includes industry & market research reports from Datamonitor and country reports from CountryWatch and Business Monitor. Covers all areas of business. EBSCO
- Business Source Complete - Enhanced Interface This link opens in a new windowSince the content of the Business Source database is gathered from a wide variety of sources including Academic Journals, SWOT Analyses, Trade Publications, Industry Profiles, Company Profiles, Market Research Reports, and Product Reviews, this new interface allows users to easily refine their searches to extract only the content from their preferred source types. EBSCO
- Small Business Source This link opens in a new window
Contains more than 450 full-text reference books and nearly 400 full-text periodicals that provide detailed “how-to” instructions to address small business topics, such as buying and selling a business, managing employees, writing a business plans, understanding legal information, a business and much more.. EBSCO
- Regional Business News This link opens in a new window
Full text newswire database incorporating business wires from all over the world. Included in this database are A&G Information, Africa News Service, Inter Press Service, Resource News International, South American Business, M2 Communications, PR Newswire, Business News Wire, Canadian Corporate News, News Bytes News Network, and Phillips Business Information Highlights. EBSCO