About Industry Codes
NAICS and SIC codes help classify and measure industry activity. Knowing the code for your industry will help you find reports, articles, and other information on that industry.
Even though the codes are standardized, different resources will assign codes differently. Additionally, many companies can have multiple codes because of their various business segments. NAICS categories don't distinguish between small and large business, or between for-profit and non-profit. Be flexible and cautious when using codes to search, and always check multiple sources. Newer industries may not have an obvious code and you will need to use your judgement.
If you already have a company, but don't know what code(s)are associated with it, try finding your company in one of our business databases and see what codes are listed.
The SIC code system was replaced by the North American Industrial Classification System, although both are still in common use. SIC codes are primarily for manufacturing industries, while NAICS codes add service industries.
What are SIC and NAICS Codes?
Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes and North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes are numerical classification systems created by the United States government. These systems are used to group/classify similar companies into industries for the purposes of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.
What is the difference between SIC and NAICS?
The SIC system was originally developed in the 1930s and was last updated in 1997. The NAICS system was first released in 2002. While NAICS has "officially" replaced SIC, many business directories and databases still use one or both of the systems. Therefore, it is important to know about both SIC and NAICS.
- SIC codes consist of four digit numbers that apply to a company based on the type of products or services it produces. An example of an SIC Code is:
5812 = Eating Places
- The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) employs six digits to allow for greater specificity for classifying an industry. An example of a NAICS Code is:
722110 = Full Service Restaurants
How NAICS and SIC codes used?
You can use these codes to find information about industries in business databases and directories. Use the codes to:
- Identify the lines of business of a company
- Identify competitors in the industry
- Locate industry ratios to compare with the company's ratios
- Generate listings of companies within an industry
- Find articles and current news about an industry