Call Number Wall
The call number wall located at the Ask a Librarian desk is a stream of library call numbers. Our library uses the Library of Congress classification system, which is used by most research and academic libraries in the U.S. and around the world. The concept for this wall was created by the University Common's architects. The call numbers were selected by the UHV Librarians. The red call numbers represent the call numbers of books that are about Victoria, the library, UHV and Victoria College.
What is Library of Congress Classification?
Library of Congress Classification (LLC) is a system of library classification that was developed by the Library of Congress. The system was invented by Herbet Putnam in 1897. Putnam was the 8th Librarian of Congress from 1899-1939 and was the first experienced librarian to hold the job. LLC divides all knowledge into twenty-one basic classes, each identified by a letter of the alphabet:
A - General Works
B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion
C - Auxiliary Sciences of History
D - World History and History of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Etc.
E - History of the Americas
F - History of the Americas
G - Geography, Anthropology. Recreation
H - Social Sciences
J - Political Science
K - Law
L - Education
M - Music and Books on Music
N - Fine Arts
P - Language and Literature
Q - Science
R - Medicine
S - Agriculture
T - Technology
U - Military Science
V - Naval Science
Z - Bibliography. Library Science. Information Resources (General)