This guide has a lot of great information and tips, but if you are here to get straight to the point, go no further!
It is important to remember that checking sources for credibility, authority, trustworthiness (etc.) is a process. There isn't a perfect solution to figure out whether or not a source is something you want to use. The tips in this guide are meant to help you start thinking critically and asking smart questions about the sources you encounter on the web.
Mike Caufield suggests three steps to take when you aren't sure whether information is trustworthy or not:
- Check for previous fact-checking work
- Go upstream to the source
- Read laterally
So what does that actually look like...let's break it down!
If you've ever tried to fact check an article yourself, you know that it can be a LOT of work. The good thing is is that there are places online that are solely devoted to fact checking!
You can always fact check an article yourself by following the sources the article cites. Follow the hyperlinks in the article to see where they lead. Here are some tips for following links:
In other words, read other articles about this same topic and read about the site that published the information.