Mental Measurements Yearbook

The Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) is produced by the Buros Institute of Mental Measurements at the University of Nebraska. It provides an evaluation of over 2,700 testing instruments. Only commercially available tests are included in the MMY. The series began in 1938 and provides information, critical reviews, and bibliographic references on the construction, use, and validity of the tests.

The Mental Measurements Yearbook is a book series published in print. Each edition of the MMY is unique in that the editors vary and the information contained in them varies. So, reviews that appear in the Sixteenth Mental Measurements Yearbook will not appear in the Seventeenth Mental Measurements Yearbook.

The UHV Library has access to a full-text electronic copy of the Mental Measurements Yearbook series via EBSCO. To access the MMY, please follow these steps:

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