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The UHV Library does have plays in its collection. If you know the title or author of the play(s) you are looking for, you can search by title or author. You can also use the following search terms to see more plays/monologues/texts in our collection:
- Play
- Monologue
- Drama
- Comedy
- Tragicomedy
- Theater
- Play Index This link opens in a new window
Index to over 31,000 classic and historical plays dating from 1949, including one-act plays, pageants, plays in verse, radio and television plays, classic drama and monologues from famous playwrights. EBSCO/H.W. Wilson
- Humanities Full Text This link opens in a new window
Includes feature articles, interviews, obituaries and original works of fiction, drama and poetry in all fields of the humanities from art, classical studies, and film to journalism and more. EBSCO/H.W. Wilson
- Literature (Gale) This link opens in a new window
Features all Library literature resources from Gale, including:
- Literature Resource Center
- Classical and Medieval Literature Criticism
- Contemporary Literary Criticism
- Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism
- Gale Literary Series - Short Story Criticism, Poetry Criticism, Drama Criticism
Works in the Public Domain
Works that are in the public domain are not covered by copyright. Generally, their intellectual property rights have expired or they were never covered under copyright (for example, Shakespeare's works were never covered by modern copyright). In the year 2021, generally any work that was published before 1926 is considered public domain. Copyright laws are complex and ever-changing. If you'd like to see more information about copyright term, check out Cornell University Library's Copyright Term and the Public Doman in the United States.
You can use the two sites below to find works in the public domain. You can also simply do a search in Google to find the full text of public domain works.
- HathiTrust Digital LibraryFounded in 2008, HathiTrust is a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items. HathiTrust offers reading access to the fullest extent allowable by U.S. copyright law, computational access to the entire corpus for scholarly research, and other emerging services based on the combined collection. HathiTrust members steward the collection — the largest set of digitized books managed by academic and research libraries — under the aims of scholarly, not corporate, interests.