Glossary of Terms
- Glossary/CEBMGlossary of terms used in evidence-based medicine. While not comprehensive, it does outline the key terms that should be understood.
- A glossary of EBM termsDefinitions and explanations of commonly used evidence-based medicine terms. From BMJ Best Practice.
Centre for Evidence-based Medicine Tools
- CEBM ToolsContains tutorials and guides about asking focused questions, searching, evaluating information, and more.
- EBM ToolsPractical EBM tools with checklists which can acta as memory aids for the evaluation of studies. From BMJ Beset Practice.
- Using Evidence Based Nursing in PracticeThe purpose of the EBN process is to help you as a professional make informed decisions by learning from what others in your field are researching and learning. Using these set steps makes it easier to apply current quality evidence from research in clinical and healthcare decisions. This website and the resources listed will help to guide you through the 5 steps of the EBN process.
- Introduction to Evidence-Based PracticeThis tutorial is intended for any health care practitioner or student who needs a basic introduction to the principles of Evidence-Based Practice. It include 5 units along with a glossary and references. This tutorial was developed by Duke University Medical Center Library and the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,