What type of information can I find in scholarly articles?
Scholarly articles have a very focused topic and try to answer research question(s) set by the authors. Peer-reviewed articles are scholarly articles that are evaluated by other experts in the field.
Finding Scholarly Articles
The easiest way to find scholarly articles on most topics is to search in OneSearch. OneSearch searches nearly half of our databases at one time. You can also search in specific databases. The databases listed after the OneSearch box are databases that have kinesiology information.
- SPORTDiscus with Full Text This link opens in a new window
Comprehensive database covering sport, physical fitness, exercise, coaching, sports medicine, physical education, kinesiology, nutrition, occupational health and therapy, physical therapy, and more. Includes full text for nearly 670 journals. EBSCO
- Academic Search Complete
Provides full text for nearly 5,318 scholarly publications covering academic areas of study including social sciences, humanities, education, biological & ecological sciences, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies. EBSCO
- ScienceDirect This link opens in a new window
Searchable, browsable database of journals published by Elsevier Publishers. Subscription includes full-text access to about 1,200 journals in the health and life sciences, and the social sciences - including business, managements, economics, accounting, finance, and psychology. Abstracts, tables of contents and some complimentary full-text may be available in other subject areas. Elsevier
- CINAHL Complete This link opens in a new window
Comprehensive source for nursing and allied health journals. Provides full text for more than 1,300 journals. Coverage dates back to 1937. Includes searchable Cited References, Evidence-based Care Sheets, Continuing Education Modules Modules, and full text Research Instrument Records. EBSCO
- MEDLINE Complete This link opens in a new window
Provides authoritative medical information on medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more. Created by the National Library of Medicine, MEDLINE allows users to search abstracts from over 4,000 current biomedical journals. MEDLINE Complete provides full text coverage for over 2,500 journals with more than 1,400 not found in other EBSCO full text databases. EBSCO
- Health and Medicine (Gale OneFile) This link opens in a new window
Integrated database providing articles from a wide range of full-text nursing and allied health journals, newspapers, and magazines with full-text reference works, multi-media, and consumer health information. Gale