Got a hobby? According to Statista (our statistics database) - the most popular hobby in the U.S. is cooking and baking. About 41% of survey respondents in 2024 fill their spare time in the kitchen. The second most popular hobby is reading at 36% (we in the library approve of that one). After that comes Pets, Video Gaming, and Outdoor Activities.
Hobby is defined as a “favourite occupation or topic, pursued merely for the amusement or interest it affords” (Oxford English Dictionary).
The word hobby first appears in English about 1400, meaning a small or middle-sized horse; a pony. By 1778, the phrase hobby-horse came to be, which was a straight stick with a small horse's head made of wood or stuffed fabric. From that came the expression “to ride one's hobby horse” meaning to do something for fun. By 1816, a hobby was associated with recreation and leisure, first appearing in print with the sentence “I quarrel with no man's hobby."
If you have a hobby or are looking for one, try out our Hobbies and Crafts Source database. In it are full-text hobby and craft magazines, hobby profiles, recipes and videos to inspire creativity and nurture your interests. You will also turn up some hobby e-books.
January is National Hobby Month.
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