In March our display is in celebration of National Women's History Month. Check out the display or talk to a librarian for more items on the subject. 

America's Jewish Women by Pamela S. Nadell Rebels, Scholars, Explorers by Annalisa Berta & Susan Turner
Baseline Shift edited by Briar Levit Rise of the Rocket Girls by Nathalia Holt
Changed for Good by Stacy Wolf Romantic Women Writers, Revolution, and Prophecy by Orianne Smith
Code Girls by Liza Mundy Suffrage at 100 edited by Stacie Taranto & Leandra Zarnow
Dressed for Freedom by Einav Rabinovitch-Fox Suffrage Reconstructed by Laura E. Free
The Feminist Revolution by Bonnie J. Morris & D-M Withers Still Mad by Sandra M. Gilbert & Susan Gubar
Fly Girls by Keith O'Brien Surviving Southampton by Vanessa M. Holden
Keep the Days by Steven M. Stowe This Book is an Action edited by Jaime Harker & Cecilia Konchar Farr
Leaders of the Pack by Sean Macleod Where are the Women Architects? by Despina Stratigakos
Mothers of Massive Resistance by Elizabeth Gillepsie McRae A Woman's Wage by Alice Kessler-Harris
Pathways, Potholes, and Persistence of Women in Science edited by Enobong Hannah Branch Women in Engineering edited by Margaret E. Layne
Rachel Carson and Her Sisters by Robert K. Musil Women in Texas History by Angela Boswell