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Reserves Perz: PSYC 6321
PSYC 6321
PSYC 6334
Week 2: Diagnostic Criteria (Basic DSM-5)
Week 2: DSM-5 Assessment, Differential Diagnosis and Documentation Process
Week 4: Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Week 5: Neurocognitive Disorders
Week 6: Bipolar Disorders
Week 6: Depressive Disorders
Week 7: Anxiety Disorders
Week 7: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders
Week 8: Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders
Week 9: Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
Week 11: Sexual Dysfunctions
Week 11: Paraphilic Disorders
Week 11: Gender Dysphoria
Week 12: Eating Disorders
Week 13: Addictive Disorders
Week 14: Personality Disorders
Week 15: Trauma-Related Disorders
PSYC 6334 >>